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The simple and blocky styling of Minecraft is endearing to many fans of the game, but if you’d like a more sophisticated 3D look with realistic lighting, reflections, and enhanced graphics you can achieve the shimmering 3D paradise you crave.


Polished graphics are a prominent feature on most modern video games and we’ve come to expect well rendered shadows, beautiful surfaces and textures, and other GPU-intensive flourishes. Any fan of Minecraft can tell you, however, that despite the depth of gameplay Minecraft is short on any of the graphical flourishes found in popular games. Shades can change all that.

抛光的图形是大多数现代视频游戏中的突出功能,我们已经期望得到渲染效果良好的阴影,漂亮的表面和纹理以及其他GPU密集型应用。 但是,尽管Minecraft的游戏深度很深,但Minecraft的任何粉丝都可以告诉您,Minecraft在流行游戏中找不到任何图形丰富的图形。 阴影可以改变所有这些。

Grass that waves in the wind, water that sparkles and reflects light, a sun that blazes brilliantly down and temporarily blinds you when you leave a dark cave: all these things and more are injected into the game via shaders. Read on as we show you how  to pair the sophisticated building experience Minecraft provides with equally as sophisticated graphics.

风中摇曳的草,闪闪发光并反射光的水,灿烂的阳光照耀着你,当你离开一个黑暗的洞穴时暂时使你蒙蔽:所有这些以及更多的东西都通过着色器注入了游戏。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何将Minecraft提供的精致建筑体验与精致的图形等同地结合在一起。

Note: A good resource pack pairs very nicely with a good shader. For the purposes of this tutorial, however, to showcase what shaders can do without any extra help we’ve opted to not use a special resource pack and to simply apply the shaders with the default Minecraft resource packs.

注意:一个好的资源包与一个好的着色器非常匹配。 但是,出于本教程的目的,为了展示着色器在没有任何额外帮助的情况下可以做什么,我们选择不使用特殊的资源包,而仅将着色器与默认的Minecraft资源包一起应用。

为着色器做好准备 (Getting Ready for Shaders)

Before we actually jump into the eye candy that are shaders, let’s smooth the road before us by ensuring we’re ready for the experience.


Before experimenting with shaders you’ll definitely want to update your computer’s GPU drivers to the latest stable version. The more stable and bug-free your drivers are the better.

在尝试使用着色器之前,您肯定要将计算机的GPU驱动程序更新为最新的稳定版本。 您的驱动程序越稳定且没有错误,越好。

In addition to updating your drivers you’ll also want to ensure that your installation of Minecraft is properly modded with Forge installed. If you’ve dug into this tutorial without reviewing the previous lessons, now is the time to go back and review previous tutorials on and to ensure you’re up to speed with Forge installed and ready to go.

除了更新驱动程序之外,您还需要确保Minecraft的安装正确地安装了Forge。 如果您在没有回顾以前的课程的情况下学习了本教程,那么现在是时候回顾并回顾关于和以前的教程了,以确保您能够快速安装并准备使用Forge。

Note: It is possible to install shaders without Forge just like it’s possible to install Optifine without Forge. Given the benefit of using Forge and the great big world of awesome mods out there, however, we’re focusing on the Forge-centered installation for this tutorial.

注意:可以在不使用Forge的情况下安装着色器,就像可以在不使用Forge的情况下安装Optifine一样。 考虑到使用Forge的好处以及强大的mod的广阔世界,我们在本教程中的重点是以Forge为中心的安装。

安装着色器模块 (Installing the Shaders Mod)

Just like Forge serves as a platform for you to load additional mods, the Shaders Mod serves as a platform to load add-on shaders for Minecraft.

就像Forge充当您加载其他mod的平台一样,Shaders Mod充当加载Minecraft附加着色器的平台。

Visit and download the most current Forge-based version; as of this tutorial it’s GLSL Shaders Mod v2.3.18 for Minecraft 1.7.10.

访问并下载基于Forge的最新版本; 截至本教程为止,它是适用于Minecraft 1.7.10的GLSL Shaders Mod v2.3.18。

Place the .JAR file into your Minecraft /mods/ folder if you’re not using a mod manager. If you’re using MultiMC as we outlined in Lesson 5 (and we certainly hope you are), copy it first to your /Mods/ directory and then use the MultiMC mods menu for your instance to add the mod.

如果不使用mod管理器,请将.JAR文件放入Minecraft / mods /文件夹中。 如果您使用的是我们在第5课中概述的MultiMC(当然希望如此),请先将其复制到/ Mods /目录,然后使用实例的MultiMC mods菜单添加该mod。

Run Minecraft once after the Shaders Mod is installed in order to confirm the installation (check your Mod menu or look in the Options menu for the “Shaders” button) and so that the /shaderpacks/ folder is created in your Minecraft root folder.

在安装Shaders Mod后运行Minecraft,以确认安装(检查您的Mod菜单或在“选项”菜单中查看“ Shaders”按钮),以便在您的Minecraft根文件夹中创建/ shaderpacks /文件夹。

查找和安装着色器包 (Locating and Installing Shader Packs)

Unlike some of the other modification packs we’ve highlighted so far in the advanced Minecraft series, there isn’t a nice, neatly organized, central repository (or two) like there is for other resources such as resource packs, game mods, and so on.


Shaders are a bit of a niche pursuit and the best place to learn more about them is to hit up the official Minecraft Mods sub-forum and simply In addition offers a nice long list of compatible shader packs.

着色器是一个小众市场,要了解更多信息,最好的地方是建立Minecraft Mods官方子论坛,然后简单地 此外还提供了一长串兼容的着色器包。

Once you find a shader you’d like to take for a spin, you install it just like you install resource packs. Download the shader pack and place it into the /shaderpacks/ folder within your Minecraft root folder. Whether you’re using a regular Minecraft installation or a mod manager like MultiMC you’ll need to find the /shaderpacks/ folder and manually copy the files into it as there is no mechanism in MultiMC for managing shader packs. That said, you can use the “instance folder” shortcut in MultiMC to quickly jump to the root folder for that instance.

找到想要旋转的着色器后,就可以像安装资源包一样安装它。 下载着色器包,并将其放入Minecraft根文件夹中的/ shaderpacks /文件夹中。 无论您是使用常规的Minecraft安装还是像MultiMC这样的Mod Manager,您都需要找到/ shaderpacks /文件夹并手动将文件复制到其中,因为MultiMC中没有管理着色器包的机制。 也就是说,您可以使用MultiMC中的“实例文件夹”快捷方式快速跳转到该实例的根文件夹。

For the purposes of this tutorial we’ll be using as it is the gold standard for Minecraft shaders and an absolutely lovely piece of eye candy.


Valid shaders have the extension .FSH and .VSH. These shaders need to be located within either a folder or a .ZIP file clearly labeled and in the /shaderpacks/ folder. If you download a shader called SuperAwesomeShader for example, you need to have all the .FSH and .VSH files that came with that shader pack installed in your /shaderpacks/ folder in one of the following configurations:

有效的着色器的扩展名为.FSH和.VSH。 这些着色器需要位于明确标记的文件夹或.ZIP文件中,并位于/ shaderpacks /文件夹中。 例如,如果下载一个名为SuperAwesomeShader的着色器,则需要使用以下配置之一在/ shaderpacks /文件夹中安装该着色器包随附的所有.FSH和.VSH文件:






/ minecraft / shaderpacks / SuperAwesomeShaders / shaders /

Where all the .FSH and .VSH files are located either in the /shaders/ folder within the .ZIP archive or the folder. If the files are not placed in this directory format the Shaders Mod will not be able to load them.

所有.FSH和.VSH文件都位于.ZIP存档的/ shaders /文件夹中或该文件夹中的位置。 如果文件未以此目录格式放置,则Shaders Mod将无法加载它们。

Once you have downloaded the shader pack and copied the files (double-checking the directory structure) to the /shaderpacks/ folder, load up Minecraft.

下载完着色器包并将文件复制(仔细检查目录结构)到/ shaderpacks /文件夹后,加载Minecraft。

加载着色器包 (Loading Shader Packs)

Loading shader packs is almost as simple as loading resource packs. The only difference is that some shader packs will come with very small extra instructions (typically tweaks you need to make to the values in the Shaders menu).

加载着色器包几乎与加载资源包一样简单。 唯一的区别是某些着色器包会附带非常小的额外说明(通常需要对“着色器”菜单中的值进行调整)。

Let’s take a look at how to load SEUS and what a difference it makes. Here’s a fun little glitch village we found that spawned in a lake. All that water is going to look pretty darn good when we flip over to using shaders so let’s test things out.

让我们看一下如何加载SEUS及其有什么区别。 这是一个有趣的小故障村庄,我们发现它在湖中产生。 当我们过渡到使用着色器时,所有的水看起来都不错,所以让我们测试一下。

Press ESC to pull up the options menu and then click the “Shaders…” button to access the submenu.

按ESC键拉出选项菜单,然后单击“ Shaders…”按钮以访问子菜单。

Within that submenu you’ll see a list of your available shaders on the left-hand side and a list of option toggles on the right.


Before you select the SEUS shader, you need to check a few SEUS-related options. Check to ensure that “CloudShadow” is off, “tweakBlockDamage” is on, and “OldLighting” is off. Then select the SEUS shader file.

选择SEUS着色器之前,需要检查一些SEUS相关的选项。 检查并确保“ CloudShadow”已关闭,“ tweakBlockDamage”已打开以及“ OldLighting”已关闭。 然后选择SEUS着色器文件。

You’ll notice that the new view automatically starts rendering the moment you select it. Click done and sit back to survey your new ultra-shader-enhanced Minecraft experience.

您会注意到,一旦选择新视图,新视图就会自动开始渲染。 单击“完成”,然后坐下来调查您的新超级着色器增强的Minecraft体验。

Natural sun reflection, enhanced shadows, beautiful clouds, and something you can’t see in the screenshot: everything is moving. Advanced shaders like SEUS introduce water that ripples, trees and grass that sway in the breeze, and very realistic torch and lava movement.

自然的阳光反射,增强的阴影,美丽的云彩以及屏幕快照中看不到的东西:一切都在移动。 诸如SEUS之类的高级着色器引入了涟漪中的水,微风中摇曳的树木和草,以及非常逼真的火炬和熔岩运动。

Let’s fly around in creative mode and take some comparison shots. The only mods we have loaded besides the Shaders Mod and SEUS are Biomes O’ Plenty and Mo’ Villages (we’re using the same world for this shader test that we used in Lesson 6 to show off those two world-expanding mods).

让我们以创意模式四处飞走,并进行一些对比拍摄。 除了Shaders Mod和SEUS之外,我们加载的唯一Mod是Biomes O'Plenty和Mo'Villages(我们在第6课中使用了相同的世界进行此着色器测试,以展示这两个在世界范围内扩展的Mod)。

The huge birch forests in Biomes O’ Plenty are awesome just by themselves, but with a good shader they become even more majestic. The image above shows the same location with the native Minecraft shader active on the left and the SEUS shader active in the right.

Biomes O'Plenty巨大的桦树森林本身就很棒,但是着色器很好,它们变得更加雄伟。 上图显示了相同的位置,左侧的Minecraft着色器处于活动状态,右侧的SEUS着色器处于活动状态。

Above, is a shot of a lagoon next to our favorite Biomes O’ Plenty biome: the Seasonal Forest. The lovely colors of the Season Forest take on a whole new depth when the special lighting, haze, and shadow rendering of the new shader is applied. Like the previous image, the native shader is on the left and the SEUS shader is on the right.

上方是我们最喜欢的Biomes O'Plenty生物群落旁的泻湖的照片:季节性森林。 当应用新着色器的特殊照明,雾度和阴影渲染时,季节森林的可爱色彩将呈现一个全新的深度。 与上一张图像一样,本机着色器在左侧,SEUS着色器在右侧。

Nighttime scenes are especially cool with a beefy shader applied. In the village above you can see the native shader on the left and the SEUS shader on the right. The light is much warmer in the SEUS shader and the light spill and eventual shadows are much more realistic.

应用了强大的着色器,夜间场景特别酷。 在上方的村庄中,您可以在左侧看到本地着色器,在右侧看到SEUS着色器。 SEUS着色器中的光线要温暖得多,并且光线溢出和最终的阴影要真实得多。

This shot shows a mountain village (courtesy of Mo’ Villages). The left half of the image shows the cool white-spectrum lighting and the red lava with white lighting provided by the default shader. The right half of the image showcases how warm the village looks with the SEUS shader and how strongly the lava glows.

这张照片显示了一个山村(由Mo'Villages提供)。 图像的左半部分显示默认的着色器提供的冷白色光谱照明和带有白色照明的红色熔岩。 图像的右半部分显示了SEUS着色器使村庄看起来多么温暖,以及熔岩发光的强烈程度。

探索其他着色器 (Exploring Other Shaders)

Unless you attack your shader project with a very high-end graphics card, there’s a good chance you’ll need to experiment with which shaders and which version of those shaders (e.g. ultra, lite, etc.) you can use. We tend to aim big and then if our GPU can’t handle it, work down from there.

除非您使用非常高端的显卡攻击着色器项目,否则您很有可能需要尝试使用哪些着色器以及这些着色器的哪个版本(例如,超,精简版等)。 我们倾向于大目标,然后,如果我们的GPU无法处理,那就从那里开始工作。

Here are a few other shaders for your consideration. The first is , seen above. It’s quite similar to the SEUS shader so if you have trouble with SEUS give MrMeeps a try.

这里还有一些其他着色器供您考虑。 首先是 。 它与SEUS着色器非常相似,因此如果您对SEUS遇到麻烦,请尝试使用MrMeeps。

If you’re looking for something totally different from the typical “It’s like blocky Skyrim!” look that many shaders give, Naelego’s Cel Shaders, seen above, is a nice change. The shader pack renders the Minecraft world in cel-animation style (similar to that found in video games like Borderlands and Okami). It’s a neat look and a definite departure from the vanilla Minecraft experience and the realistic lighting/water experience most shader packs provide.

如果您正在寻找与典型的“就像块状的天际!”完全不同的东西。 上面看到的许多着色器提供的外观,Naelego的Cel着色器是一个不错的变化。 着色器包以cel动画样式(类似于在无主之地和Okami等视频游戏中发现的)渲染Minecraft世界。 它的外观整洁,与香草Minecraft体验和大多数着色器包所提供的逼真的照明/水上体验有一定的区别。

Our final recommendation is for those of you with older computers that want the shader experience but without the GPU power for a beefy shader like SEUS. isn’t quite lagless on really old machines but it does offer the kind of features you expect in a shader like reflective water, dynamic lighting, and better shadows, without the huge overhead that comes with other shader packs. If you’ve tried the Lite version of other shaders and still been stuck at 1-5 FPS, give Paolo’s pack a shot.

我们的最终建议是针对那些希望使用着色器但又没有像SEUS这样强大的着色器具有GPU功能的旧计算机的用户。 在真正的旧机器上并非没有滞后,但它确实提供了您期望的着色器中的功能,例如反射水,动态照明和更好的阴影,而其他着色器包都没有巨大的开销。 如果您尝试过其他着色器的精简版版本,但仍停留在1-5 FPS,请给Paolo的背包一个机会。

Although you need a decent GPU to hack it, getting a powerful shader pack up and running is a sure fire way to absolutely supercharge your Minecraft experience and make the whole Minecraft world look new again.





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